Feb 14, 2024


As a boomer, I tend to see Millennials skewing towards the "Eulogy Virtues" that you mention. They seem to think that, indeed, the world is unstable so why not enjoy your time in it now before the apocalypse.

This mindset may be driven in part by a resignation that the American Dream: home ownership, a family, etc., is not available to them. So there's only one thing to do: Road Trip!!

Corporate ladder climbing seems less in fashion, and probably for good reason, there is no reasonable expectation that a nose to the grindstone will be rewarded in the way it may have been in the 60s.

I see this as neither good nor bad, just the way it is.

But there is one thing that drives ambition, or the lack thereof, more than anything:

The absence of hope.

And that is a plague, most virulent.

Great article, Sean.



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