1 min readAug 29, 2020



Reminded me of something that happened to me many years ago.

Unlike you, I AM fairly handy but i have run into some doozies.

So one Xmas I was doing the "Some Dad Assembly Required" work on a Xmas present for my kids. At 3 in the morning I was assembling a ping pong table in our first floor family room.

It was one of those tables where the sides folded up to the middle so you could store it easily.

I'm screwing in this and adjusting that with one of the sides upright....when all of a sudden that side dropped, connecting the other side in the middle. It now looked like a real ping pong table except that MY THUMB WAS TRAPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TWO SIDES!!!!

The pain was unbelievable - my thumb was stuck. I wanted to scream for help; but instead, i took my free arm and with herculean strength (like guys who can lift a car if it falls on a kid) , I lifted one side of the table with no leverage to do so and freed my thumb..

I sat down in agony, looking at that god awful table and at my mangled thumb.

No real moral here except that, maybe being unhandy has its benefits ;-)



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