Good description of anger and its manifestation.
Fear, anxiety and outrage will find their vents one way or another. In a civil society, however, it is necessary to handle the expression in more benign ways.
The real art is in figuring out how to discharge anger without blowing up the bridge, how to repurpose or redirect it.
Unfortunately, we live in a society which is increasingly saying it is OK to rage and fight.
Every state that enacts "stand your ground" laws is suborning violence over restraint or retreat.
I remember telling our kids to punch a pillow or go run outside or something like that to blow off steam.
Now, it's pull out your 38 and get the drop on them.
World events and stress increase the likelihood of violence by themselves. Anger management issues exist where they did not use to.
One of our former presidents proposed a kinder, gentler nation. You can't have that by fanning the flames of forest fires and tempers.