First, I think you SHOULD create an app!!
I created a dbase of the women I was dating, similar to your spreadsheet (I like playing around with database design better than doing spreadsheets).
I am not going to tell you what my selection criteria were (guy privilege) but I had 16 of them (OK, here's a couple: Geo proximity, problem pets, swimsuit (I know, Shallow Hal, right?))
My rating scale went from 0 - 5 with 0 being a deal killer. I could promote or demote women by selecting "active" or not, among other things.
The interesting thing was that the spread between lowest and highest totals was not very much (like 6 pts) but my preference for one over the other was much more than that.
This suggested to me that, while ratings and analysis can weed out those that just don't make the cut, true preferences were much harder to quantify or analyze. At a minimum, the criteria needed to be weighted to better represent my interest.
The takeaway? Chemistry does not lend itself well to statistical analysis (duh!!).
Still, we could have fun with an App, and it could have some cool and funny things in it to make it addictive. It could be designed as a plug-in for one or more dating sites.
So.. Go for it!!!! Now you just need to decide which language to write it in.
I'm excited - I can't wait!!!