I used to think this way until I spent time studying classical literature and languages. I would continually come across a saying or aphorism that is very common today.
I felt that there never was anything really novel......until I realized that it was the variation on a theme, a nuanced change that was the innovation.
We see things that appear to be a spark of genius, but we rarely see the influences around it. Einstein's theory of relativity seems entirely new but it really didn't to his colleagues and to those who influenced him.
It was observations based on the work of many before him. It was nuanced, yet profound.
Microscopic changes or variations to common things or inventions can have profound consequences. These subtle changes or ideas ARE the novelty, are the invention.
Rewind the tape of time and you will see many things that you thought were of recent vintage but had been considered centuries or millenia before.
Success viewed more through that lens may help buoy the self esteem of our future innovators.
Good article.