Inspiring, Jayden!!
I have a friend who is a marathoner. He expanded into general fitness. He was always giving me tips and suggestions about what I should do. I told him it looked like he was doing a continuous fitness routine all day!
This became a eureka moment! We decided that rather than fitting fitness into a daily schedule, the thinking should be a "continuous workout" with breaks for other daily tasks.
With this mindset, you look at your day as a day long workout session with breaks and interruptions that involve your normal daily routines, work, lunch, etc. In other words, you sort of reverse the priorities.
He adopted it - I didn't ;-). The results are amazing. He came over and we went out for dinner recently. We walked to the restaurant. We came upon an alley; he turned in, dropped and did 20 pushups. No muss, no fuss, no one saw it.
The itinerary looks more like
8am, Cont. fitness: walk,
10am, work break at your desk job,
12, Cont. fitness
12:30 lunchbreak ,
1pm: Cont. fitness....
When you can hoist some dumbbells, do so - when you can do some push ups, do so.
I asked him "what was the most pushups you have done in one day so far? He said 1500 but that is not normal. He said, " I just drop and do them."
(btw, he is 68).