1 min readJan 16, 2022


Interesting article. Not sure if there is a BMS or that there should be such a classification but the problems you describe certainly exist.

IMHO, a lot of it has to do with the radical changes that have occurred in gender roles in a fairly short amount of time. There is no right or wrong in these changes; they simply occur but many people cannot adapt to the changes fast enough.

Dramatic changes in the independence, self sufficiency and empowerment of women have, although overdue, had a profound and unintended effect on many men. In the 50s and 60s, we saw the steady evaporation of the classic family model of the single breadwinner dad.

As this model of the man/dad/husband changed, so did the levels of self esteem of many men. The pride they took in supporting the family and providing the critical counsel of the traditional male role model emasculated many men.

Men now were more in competition with women than in supporting roles. The maladaptive reaction to those changes, the shift in power between the genders, are in part what we are seeing in things like the Incel movement, etc. These changes have improved the conditions of women but not without side effects to both genders.

Rocky Balboa said to Adrian, "I never asked you to stop being a woman; please don't ask me to stop being a man." That simple line / plea may more simply describe the plight better than any dissertation on the subject.

Good article - real issues in these crazy times.



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