Thank you, Jacqueline, for your well-written comment. I usually don't make negative comments about articles, and I'm not sure I would have about Mona's but it just kind of caught me at a bad time.
I have gotten a few comments about mine, as you might expect. It is kind of a hot button topic. So I think I am going to make a general comment under her original article to more particularly express my thoughts without suggesting that someone, like Mona, is a bigot for writing the article (I don't really think Mona is a bigot; she doesn't seem like the type).
But I don't like to see advocacy for shunning or excluding whole groups of people, whether it is from Incels or 4Bs. I think anger and exclusory advocacy is a big part of the problems we have in the US (and in the UK, I presume).
And while I understand that Mona couches her choice as a personal preference that is not intended for all, you, as a black woman, understand better than most that such explanations were used in the "separate but equal" days (those days are still here) to support "no colored" restaurants, drinking fountains, restricted clubs, etc.
The savvier politicians didn't come out saying "exclude all blacks, jews, etc. (or advocating no marriage, sex or child-bearing, in the instant case). they found ways of eroding the power, rights and influence of such groups through poll taxes, separate schools, etc.
Mona is not anything like those kinds of people/politicians, and she is a good writer ( and I kind of think I owe her an apology ). I would like to see skillful writers like her advancing causes more noble than what she is doing, even if it might make sense in South Korea.
I kind of like women. I hope they are not looking to avoid me just because I’m a man. ;-)
It is a slippery slope, it seems to me ;-)
Thank you again!