The movement is already here.
The members are all of those who have fired up the search engine, set all of the selection criteria and found that the persons they met just didn't meet their expectations. We need freedom FROM choice, not more of it.
The problem is manifold:
We now can select people like kids select puppies in a window. We search for just the ones that fit the vast selection criteria we can set. We have more choice than we ever have but more frustration as well.
Time was, love was something that came from the heart and mind. We may have been in love with someone before we ever met them. Many arranged marriages did just fine but it was because those so situated were committed to the ideal of it, the estate.
Reality tends to spoil what is actually a state of mind. Idols and ideals exist only until we meet them. In short order, they lose their luster and magic. They go to pieces "all at once, and nothing first, — just as bubbles do when they burst."
There is not and never will be a selection criterion for chemistry. It is there or it isn't.
What you are seeing from the distaff side is equally well represented on the other.
I don't know how many times I have heard women describe how they basically have just given up. In humans, the female controls the show as is the case in most species. So....let them control it!!!!
You cannot win the game if you take yourself out of it.
Good post!!!!!!