1 min readNov 9, 2024


This seems to be a peculiarly american thing. I have a Norwegian client who comments on that regularly. He has even called me out on it. I think I and many people get so caught up in what we want/need to say that we cut off the other person: very rude.

We live in a society that puts a premium on efficiency and economy; it just takes too long to listen to someone else's story if it is not relevant or interesting to us. We don't have the patience.

But you're not going to get or keep too many girlfriends if you treat them that way ;-). I am much more mindful of that tendancy after my conversation with my client: I notice it happening more than I used to, mostly in others.

Listening to someone until their thought is complete is just a matter of respect. Others may not be aware of your patience, but they will certainly appreciate it.

Interesting article.



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